Tactical problem: attacking the goal
Speed Ball
Equipment Playing Area, Basketball hoops, Goals
(benches, hockey nets, etc.), Pinnies, Ball
Rules of Play
• Class is divided into two groups
• Each team has a basketball net at the end line of the
playing area and two goals (bench, hockey net, etc.) for
each end corner of their half of the playing area.
• Teams pass the ball around in the air, like in basketbal(but
no bounce pass).
• If the ball falls to the ground, it is now played as a soccer
• A player may kick a ball into his or a teammates hands, but
may not pick up the ball.
• If a ball is kicked or thrown into the basket, that team
receives 2 points.
• If a ball is kicked into a corner goal, that team receives 1
• The goal is to score more points than the opponents.
Variations and Progressions
• Number of passes before scoring
• Time limits
• Points (ex.:3 points per basket made, 2 points for goal
scored or ball hitting baskets rim, 1 point for ball hitting
• Types of passing.
• Allow ball to touch floor once.
Noodle Invasion
Equipment 30 Pool noodles, 3-4 Gator Balls and Pinnies
Rules of Play
• Divide the players up into two equal teams, place them on
opposite ends of a half sized gymnasium and have them
place 15 short pool noodles (10 inches) on each end in a
• Use paper-rock-scissors to see which team will start off
with the ball. The pool noodle targets are to be knocked
down by the attacking team in order to score points.
• No locomotor movement is allowed with the ball, and three
passes must be made before a player can shoot at a
noodle. Players can only use warm defense to defend a
player with a ball and must be at least an arms length
Variations and Progressions
• The addition of a crease in front of the noodles in which
offensive players are not allowed to enter will encourage
passing and setting up plays in order to score.
• Setting a time limit for the amount of time a player can hold
onto the ball and setting a limit on the amount of steps a
player can take when in possession of the ball will increase
the games complexity.